I woke up Sunday morning with one thought in my mind.
“How simple are you willing to let this be?” The quote came from our meditation leader at a workshop I recently attended. “How simple are you willing to let this be?” A good question for these turbulent times. There used to be a poster about being like a duck…looking calm on top of the water and paddling furiously underneath. But the only reason a duck needs to paddle furiously is to go against the current — resisting the direction of water flow. It can float on calm water all day without paddling at all. Ducks even sleep while floating. Our lives are usually very complicated. We have jobs, families, appointments, and other things that fill our calendars. Suddenly these are gone or greatly reduced. “How simple are you willing to let this be?” In this unsettling time, think about what you are resisting. What currents are you paddling against? Will it change anything? We can’t change the arrival and spread of the virus. It’s here. We can’t change school closings. They’ve been ordered. We can’t change cancellations. They’re happening and will hopefully reduce the spread and speed of this disease. Another illustration I have seen is a circle with all the things you can control on the inside and the things you cannot control on the outside. Try creating that diagram or list for yourself. What can you control? What is beyond your control? How do you feel when you only focus on the things you can control? Accepting things we can’t change can help us simplify our responses. Doing things that reduce our exposure gives us a measure of control. Wash your hands. Limit trips outside your home. Keep a safe distance between you and others when you must go out. Get some exercise — indoors or safely outdoors. Try to find pleasurable ways to spend your time. There are many suggestions online, if you need help. Talk to friends and neighbors on the phone or through social media. Consume the news in small portions. Laugh. Really the only things we control is what happens in our own homes and how we respond to everything else. Accepting that can reduce the anxiousness we’re feeling about this pandemic. There are still people who have to work and interact with others, providing essential services and healthcare. Do what you must and be as kind as you can. “How simple are you willing to let this be?” ©Shirley K. Weyrauch, March 2020, images and writing If you enjoy my blog posts, take a look at my book, Following the Bread Crumbs. www.shirleyweyrauch.com/book.html Comments are closed.
Shirley K. WeyrauchI love reading, writing, and photography! Spending time with my family and friends around the kitchen table is about the best occasion I know. I'm just beginning to stretch my creative wings, so here's to gentle breezes and clear skies. Archives
May 2021
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